Davidoff Signature Exquisitos 20 er box cigars

Davidoff Signature Exquisitos

20 crate of cigars

With the ‘Exquisitos’, Davidoff offers the connoisseurs of a shorter smoking pleasure an innovation and exclusivity – the smallest hand-rolled small cigar. Despite their small format, the Davidoff ‘Exquisitos’ are made by hand from whole tobacco leaves (long fillers), as is the case with the larger cigars.
The tobaccos of the Davidoff ‘Exquisitos’ mixture have been ideally matched to each other and give a relatively mild smoke taste despite the small size. The aromatic wrapper from Ecuador, matured in the sun and planted only for Davidoff, gives this small cigar a certain spice without being too dominant.

Format Small Cigar
Length: 9.3 cm
Diameter: 0.88 cm

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*Free shipping for orders over CHF 250.

CHF 88.00


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