Davidoff Winston Churchill Robusto 20er Kistli Cigars

Davidoff Winston Churchill Robusto

20er Kistli Cigars

The Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars have a wonderfully shiny and oily wrapper with a slightly reddish color. When enjoying the cigar, the palate is spoiled with rich aromas of pepper, black coffee, old leather, wood and spices with a creamy and nutty aftertaste. Since the starch is medium to intense, depending on the format, any aficionado can discover these wonderful flavors.

Diameter 2.1cm; RG 52
Length 13.3cm; 5. ”
Format Robusto
Strength ●●●◐○
Cover: Ecuador: Habano Ecuador Rojiza
Cover: Mexico: Negro San Andres
Insert: Nicaragua: Esteli Seco Condegas Seco

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*Free shipping for orders over CHF 250.

CHF 556.00


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