Davidoff Yamasa Piramide’s 4-pack case cigars

Davidoff Yamasa Piramides

4-case cigars

Davidoff Yamasá – a cigar that leaves an inspiring feeling. A cigar that touches your senses like never before. Their taste buds are shaken up by the aromas of Yamasá and the spice and sweetness of Nicaraguan tobacco from Estelí and Condega.
The Davidoff Yamasá begins with an immediately noticeable, spicy Nicaraguan taste. Delicate nut aromas merge with aromas of coffee, cedar wood, earth and black pepper and thus increase the culinary delights of the aficionado. The cigar has a deep and complex body that reveals itself only slowly. A perfect tobacco composition of elegant, matured Dominican inlay tobacco, the strong Yamasá wrapper and the Yamasá wrapper combined with the sweetness of Condega and the spice of Estelí create a completely new and inspiring taste experience.
Format: Piramides
Diameter: 2 cm
Length: 15.6cm
Duration: approx. 60 minutes
Cover: Yamasá
Cover: San Vicente from Yamasá
Deposit: Nicaraguan tobacco from Condega and Estelí, as well as Dominican Pilotound
Mejorado Tobacco
Aroma: spicy, sweet and earthy
Intensity: ●●●●◐

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*Free shipping for orders over CHF 250.

CHF 128.00


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